
Mom Reflections

Reflecting on today for a better tomorrow…

Hello October!


Well, it’s October, and you know what that means. September is finally over!

bus-school-school-bus-yellow-159658All of that back-to-school excitement is over. We are finally settling back into our daily routines. And most importantly, we survived the first month of school!

I should be excited, but I’m more exhausted than anything. So. Very. Exhausted.

Continue reading “Hello October!”

Happy Anniversary Dad

Tomorrow it will twenty years since you suddenly left us Dad. I knew this day was coming. It’s been on my mind for much of the year after all. But twenty years, it just sounds so long. I’m not sure how that many years have come and gone. Do you realize this is the last year that the years we spent together will be more than the years we have been apart? How can that be?

Anniversaries are hard. Especially this one. Continue reading “Happy Anniversary Dad”

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